Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Be Uplifting- Just do it :)

So, today was a long day.  I live at a level of stress every day of my life that could kill a normal person.  Which is fine. I am a tough girl, I've got this.  But, today at swim school I ran into another Mom in the bathroom.  Now, when I said this in front of Bit, telling Josh this story, Bit reminded me that I needed to "watch where I was going."  So, for those of you that are as literal as a 6 year old, I really didn't run into her. 

She and I started talking the usual swim mom stuff and she was asking me about adoption, Biscuit, Bit, just a lot of family stuff. Now, when I get to talking about my family, I can make anyone laugh out loud.  My kids are a CRAZY, HOT MESS. They are mine and I love them. I can say that, right??

Finally, she looks at me and tears well up in her eyes. She shares with me something that humbled me.  She said, "I really think you are a special person."  Obviously, I provided her with a triple take. Of course, I smiled and said, "Thanks, you are so sweet."  She went on to talk to me about the first time we met. She told me that the day we met, was the first time she had smiled in four days and by the time she was done talking with me she was LAUGHING OUT LOUD.  She explained that the day we talked she had a miscarriage.  Four days prior to that, they had lost the baby's heartbeat.  She said that she drug herself out of bed that day and was just so thankful that she saw me in the lobby.  WOW!! 

The point to all of this isn't to tell you that I am a great person.  Trust me, I make my mistakes. They are abundant.  But, I want people to understand the power of uplifting a person. This can be as simple as a smile to the person that hands you your Starbucks in the morning, or speaking to another mom in the swim school lobby because she is new and doesn't seem to know what is going on yet.  As a human being, your crystal ball... well, it doesn't exist.  None of us know what is going on in another person's life.  But, if you stop being so wrapped up in yourself for just five minutes a day, you may say or do something that changes someone forever.  When you uplift a person, sometimes it comes full circle.... like I said, today was a long, hard day. Today, that Mommy. She uplifted me. 

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